Posts tagged COVID
Future Pandemics—Today (Part 3)

Many months ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic struck a seismic blow to the routine activities of most of humanity, I had finally felt my meandering musings on this blog had rightly tethered themselves to a theme. I would hone my focus and write about the future of medicine. I recognized that both lay and specialty periodicals that examine how technology affects societies and individual behavior were neglecting future medical breakthroughs for the furtive field of thought I believed it was. My background as a physician afforded me insight into specifics about the feasibility of these technologies, but it was my interest in spirituality that made me curious about the psychological and societal implications of the widespread adoption of technologies that would alter the human experience. This naturally lends to some techno-skepticism. After all, we live in an age where time and again, non-medical technologies that were once thought to be liberating, equalizing, and progressive have in fact been shown to be manipulating, polarizing, and hazardous (I’m talking about you again, Facebook!)

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Nikhil Barotcoronovirus, COVID